Native-Seed Saving Workshop
Saturday, November 239:30—11:30 AMSimoni RoomMorrill Memorial Library33 Walpole St., Norwood, MA, 02062
Please join us for the latest Norwood Seed Library program, an information session plus hands-on workshop in saving native seeds!
Morrill Memorial Library and Norwood Conservation Commission is excited to announce a workshop called Native-seed Saving Workshop on Saturday 11/23 at 9:30 AM in the Simoni Room at the library.
The program will have a presentation of about 45 minutes followed by a hands-on workshop on seed-saving techniques. The workshop is planned for about an hour, but participants who are having too much fun to leave are welcome to stay longer!
Supplies will be provided, but are limited. Please bring any of these items if you have them at home: kitchen strainers, tea balls, spice jars, tulle fabric, standing/desktop magnifier, tweezers with light/magnifier, garden gloves, light colored ceramic (not plastic) bowls. We recommend labeling items.
About the presenter: Stephanie Radner lives in Dedham and has been slowly replacing her lawn with native plants to create a pollinator habitat. She is decidedly not the stereotypical green-thumbed gardener; in fact, her earliest work with plants involved killing bad plants (invasive species like black swallow-wort and purple loosestrife). As we all know, bad plants will just come back if you don't replace them with good plants, and native species work best for restoring local ecosystems. Her favorite plant family is Asteraceae (asters & goldenrods) and she enjoys traveling to any place that has great plants.
Registration is required. Please fill the form below or call 781 769 0200 ext 2. Suitable for all ages. Children under 10 will require a parent or guardian to accompany them.
This program is funded by a grant from the Norwood Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
Registration for this event has now closed.