Rudolph Reindeer Hunt

Sunday, December 15All DayOff SiteMorrill Memorial Library33 Walpole St., Norwood, MA, 02062

Rudolph Reindeer Hunt

Sunday December 15th-Sunday January 5th

Looking for a fun outdoor activity to do during Winter break? Norwood CFCE and the Morrill Memorial Library are rotating the South Norwood StoryWalk® to the classic 1939 edition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer by Robert L. May.  We will also be hiding  5 wooden reindeer along the trail for your child to find. This is a self guided activity that is open to all ages. Although registration is not required, we appreciate you letting us know you participated in the event by either scanning the QR code at the end of the story or by emailing CFCE program coordinator Liz Collecting participation data allows us to continue offering free literacy based CFCE programming to the Norwood community.  

Due to construction at the Hawes Pool parking lot, you can park in the 'Construction Parking' lot adjacent to the Coakley Middle School tennis courts (1315 Washington Street). Follow the trail behind the tennis courts leading down to the Hawes/Endean Trail. The StoryWalk® begins at the entrance to the woods. The full StoryWalk® spans about 1/4 mile so please dress for a wintery hike! If your child is not able to walk the entire path, there are 2 reindeer hidden around the first 6 panels. 

CFCE programming is generously funded by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). 

No Registration Required