Sensory-friendly Laptop Basics -session 1

Friday, January 171:30—2:30 PMSimoni RoomMorrill Memorial Library33 Walpole St., Norwood, MA, 02062

Morrill Memorial Library is excited to launch a 3-part series of sensory-friendly tech classes. The first class is called Sensory-friendly Laptop Basics - session 1 and will be held on Friday January 17th at 1:30PM.

In these classes, you will learn about laptop basics like what a mouse is, where to plug in your headphones, how to open and close internet browsers, how to identify safe browsers, some common laptop vocabulary, and how to use library technology. We will end the lesson with a fun activity. Handouts will be provided.

This program is especially designed for patrons with varying cognitive and intellectual abilities.  

The program is open to all ages 18+. Registration is required. Please fill the form below or call 781 769 0200 Ext 2

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